There’s no locality on the web- every market is a global market
Aristocracy, prestige and glory are the part of Bangladesh pharmaceuticals market, especially the Pharma export. This industry plays a key role in our emerging economy. Bangladesh had started its pharmaceutical export in 1987. Now it is going to be a giant tree and expected to be one billion USD by 2025. Pharmaceutical industry is now one of the largest capital-intensive white-collar sectors in the country and has grown tremendously over the past three decades. Bangladesh has been enjoying comparative advantages in the sector due to favorable WTO legal regime, TRIPS, as well as adequate supply of skilled and cheap manpower.
Pharmaceutical exports from Bangladesh rose to USD 135.80 million in 2019-20 from USD 67.45 million in 2012. Significantly, exports marked a rise of 19% even during Covid-inflicted 2020-21. On the other hand, the value of domestic medicine market rose to over Taka 3 billion in 2020 from Taka 1 billion in 2012. About 80% of the produced drugs are generic, while 20% are patented. The success of the pharmaceutical industry confirms that Bangladesh has utilized TRIPS flexibilities very effectively. The industry meets 98% of the local demands at a very affordable price. Besides, Bangladesh exports pharmaceutical products to more than 150 countries, including many LDCs that have no production capacities of pharmaceuticals. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical industry, thus, significantly contributes to local as well as global public health management with affordable and quality medicine.
We have started our export operation and exploration in April, 2007 formally by recruiting dedicated person for exploring export market. We got our first product registration in 2009 from FDA Myanmar and started formal export in mid of 2009. We had started our journey in 2008 through the inspection of Nigerian Regulatory Body (NAFDAC) in our manufacturing site which had opened our eyes to “know how’s” regarding international pharmaceutical export processes and practices. Their suggestions have helped us as a pathfinder to develop our manufacturing site, processes and practices.
Recently we have got the GMP certificate from FDA, Philippines which strengthened our export business. Now we have on regular business with 9 countries and with other 5/6 countries our registration process is ongoing. We have a strong desire to put our strong footing in Africa.
Manufacturing Facility,
Compliant with WHO GMP for general products
and Cephalosporin.
FDA Philippines, DAV
Vietnam, NAFDAC
Nigeria, PPB Kenya & NMRA Sri Lanka
Ready CTD dossiers with BE
study for
ISO certified Quality
Management System.
Dedicated Cephalosporin
Quality product with
affordable price.
Open for Contract /Toll
Development of Patent and
Molecules for Global Market.
Wide range of Nutritional
(Vitamins & Minerals)